Monday, February 23, 2009

Thank you Allah

the weekend :
firstly..alhamdulillah because i got the thing that i want the most..thanks to all my sisters and also my brothers in law..hehe..although anyah and abg ain had some difficulties,but they still help me( tapi saya mmg rasa agak terharu on that day)..that is why i love them sooo other sisters pon baik juga,but a bit garang and the other one a bit "noncen"..haha...the best part is the 'budak ketot'..he's the one who are the most excited person on that day..all day long he just said " laptop..laptop..laptop "...before he went 'bobom',he kissed the box and said bye laptop..aduuhaii...he is so high tech boy!..proud to be his aunty..hehe..he sent me to the puduraya at 5pm with a warning " laptop oke!" ...sorry diyat,i have to bring it with me..huhu..

currently ;
oke..enough about the high tech's about my self rite body not feel so well today but my "feeling" is well..hehe..a bit strange feeling but i just love the way it is...i love the people who love me =) ..thanks for everyone out there who always be there by my side..oni is getting her strength back!

lastly, i want to share something :

Dan janganlah kamu merasa lemah , dan janganlah kamu berdukacita (terhadap apa yang akan menimpa kamu),padahal kamulah orang-orang yang tertinggi darjatnya(mengatasi musuh dengan mencapai kemenangan) jika kamu orang-orang yang (sungguh-sungguh) beriman. ~ (surah ali-imran-139)

i got this from naila fauziah..she always give me the strength by the quote from Hadith and Quran..thanks buddy!..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sape garang? sape noncen?
sume tu debun..ngeh ngeh
org Jah Wuo yg cool!