Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
The friday!
here it is..the story about the "stress friday"....(xdela stress sgt pon..haha)
early in the morning - prepared for the presentation..and i was late to the class! kenapa hari ni bus tu perlu dtg lambat? why????...dr bano dah ade dlm dah hesitate nk masuk..takut kena halau je..but he was oke la this morning..thank God!..
8.30am - 10.30am - the presentation was held..i was the fifth presenter..pagi ni mood dr bano sgt baik..dan itu telah mengurangkan rasa gemuruh di jiwaku..hoho..the presentation was oke for me..dr bano x marah tu dah kira selamat la jacket utk menahan kesejukan itu telah membantu utk dpt markah lebih..hehe..everyone must dress up to kill!..that's his warning..
10.30am - 12.30pm - the contract law test! ...aduhh..sempat study utk test ni masa dlm kelas pg td je..just baca the notes tapi xsempat hafal ape2..soalan test td a bit tricky..belasah saja, yakin boleh(tu lagu HUJAN)..huhu..
the afternoon - me and my friends went to the library(tempat paling best semester ni) hehe..ade satu surat perlu disiapkan..surat tunjuk sebab for failed to attend the BTN last reason is "family matters"..huhu..yeke?..actually my friend got married on that holiday..
2.30pm-4.30pm - the risk and management class...boOOringg..semua orang dah menongkat dagu menahan mata dr tertutup..kelas di ptg jumaat mmg sgt menyeksakan!.. - arrived at the hostel
- acara memejamkan mata bermula..satu rumah tidur dgn sgt nyenyak..hoho
the night - watched the great "slumdog millionaire"

is she sleeping?
NO she's not..tu namenye tgh berlakon tdo sambil pegang mouse..wahaha
norjan saleem,hobi dia mengacau oni..i dont know why..huhu
The yesterday!
before i tell about the friday yg sgt "mendebarkan"..ade kisah on the day before..yesterday was the most stress day in the whole week..huwaaa...everyone sgt tertekan dgn preparation utk BEL492(tu br preparation,blom present lg)...saya pergi library dgn niat yg berkobar2 utk siapkan slide for my presentation,but ending dgn tidak menghasilkan sebarang input..huhu..baru je duduk dkt satu meja tu,ade sorang teman dtg menegor sambil mengusik juga berborak..nasib baik kejap je..pastu baru nk start buat keje lagi..ade lg sorang teman lama yg lain pula dtg tanya khabar sambil menceritakan tentang byk perkara..wawawawa...lama juga masa dihabiskan bersama dia..tapi xkan nk suruh dia pergi duduk tempat lain,,oni dgn tenang melayan segala pertanyaan..heee...last2..tgk jam dah pkol 12.30tgh hari..time to go to the class!!..aduii...after the class,oni+suraya bertekad utk siapkan keje kami di library..walau ramai yg dtg kacau kitorang dgn pelbagai rungutan dan amaran utk presentation esk..tapi saya dgn suraya malas nk layan..haha...stay library sampai pkol 4.30ptg..pegi lepak mkn bersama class representative..haha..sampai la pkol 6.30ptg..dia offer nk hantar blk,so saya dan suraya dgn senang hati sbb xpayah tunggu bus..hoho..but the best part is..kereta encik badrul rosak la pulak..haha..sambil menikmati waktu senja di tepi jln..kitorang sempat menyaksikan kejadian menolak kereta menggunakan kaki..hebat gile!..haha..sampai hostel dh almost 8pm...trus buat keje tanpa mandi..haha..pkol 11 berenti utk mewangikan diri dan sambung buat keje sampai alomost 2am..aduiiii...punya la nervous sampai susah gile nk tidur mlm td..
...will continue about the friday pulak...
...will continue about the friday pulak...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
the late!

Monday, February 23, 2009
Thank you Allah
the weekend :
firstly..alhamdulillah because i got the thing that i want the most..thanks to all my sisters and also my brothers in law..hehe..although anyah and abg ain had some difficulties,but they still help me( tapi saya mmg rasa agak terharu on that day)..that is why i love them sooo other sisters pon baik juga,but a bit garang and the other one a bit "noncen"..haha...the best part is the 'budak ketot'..he's the one who are the most excited person on that day..all day long he just said " laptop..laptop..laptop "...before he went 'bobom',he kissed the box and said bye laptop..aduuhaii...he is so high tech boy!..proud to be his aunty..hehe..he sent me to the puduraya at 5pm with a warning " laptop oke!" ...sorry diyat,i have to bring it with me..huhu..
currently ;
oke..enough about the high tech's about my self rite body not feel so well today but my "feeling" is well..hehe..a bit strange feeling but i just love the way it is...i love the people who love me =) ..thanks for everyone out there who always be there by my side..oni is getting her strength back!
lastly, i want to share something :
Dan janganlah kamu merasa lemah , dan janganlah kamu berdukacita (terhadap apa yang akan menimpa kamu),padahal kamulah orang-orang yang tertinggi darjatnya(mengatasi musuh dengan mencapai kemenangan) jika kamu orang-orang yang (sungguh-sungguh) beriman. ~ (surah ali-imran-139)
i got this from naila fauziah..she always give me the strength by the quote from Hadith and Quran..thanks buddy!..
firstly..alhamdulillah because i got the thing that i want the most..thanks to all my sisters and also my brothers in law..hehe..although anyah and abg ain had some difficulties,but they still help me( tapi saya mmg rasa agak terharu on that day)..that is why i love them sooo other sisters pon baik juga,but a bit garang and the other one a bit "noncen"..haha...the best part is the 'budak ketot'..he's the one who are the most excited person on that day..all day long he just said " laptop..laptop..laptop "...before he went 'bobom',he kissed the box and said bye laptop..aduuhaii...he is so high tech boy!..proud to be his aunty..hehe..he sent me to the puduraya at 5pm with a warning " laptop oke!" ...sorry diyat,i have to bring it with me..huhu..
currently ;
oke..enough about the high tech's about my self rite body not feel so well today but my "feeling" is well..hehe..a bit strange feeling but i just love the way it is...i love the people who love me =) ..thanks for everyone out there who always be there by my side..oni is getting her strength back!
lastly, i want to share something :
Dan janganlah kamu merasa lemah , dan janganlah kamu berdukacita (terhadap apa yang akan menimpa kamu),padahal kamulah orang-orang yang tertinggi darjatnya(mengatasi musuh dengan mencapai kemenangan) jika kamu orang-orang yang (sungguh-sungguh) beriman. ~ (surah ali-imran-139)
i got this from naila fauziah..she always give me the strength by the quote from Hadith and Quran..thanks buddy!..
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The "ketot" boy!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
sing it from ur heart!
You would say anything
You would try anything
To escape your meaningless
And your insignificance
You're uncontrolable
And we are unloveable
And I don’t want you to think that I care
I never would
I never could
Why can’t you just love her?
Why be such a monster?
You bully from a distance
Your brain needs some assistance
But I’ll still take all the blame'
Cause you and me are both one and the same
And it's driving me mad
And it's driving me mad
I’ll take back all the things that I said
I didn't realise I was always talking to the living dead
And I don’t want you to think that I care
I never would
I never could
You would say anything
You would try anything
To escape your meaningless
And your insignificance
You're uncontrolable
And we are unloveable
And I don’t want you to think that I care
I never would
I never could
Why can’t you just love her?
Why be such a monster?
You bully from a distance
Your brain needs some assistance
But I’ll still take all the blame'
Cause you and me are both one and the same
And it's driving me mad
And it's driving me mad
I’ll take back all the things that I said
I didn't realise I was always talking to the living dead
And I don’t want you to think that I care
I never would
I never could
2nd tagged by cik hajar
To whom who is wearing tudung, please wear your tudungbefore read this.Its an order! Dan Ini Serius!
1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!
2.DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair.. just take a picture.
3.Post that picture with NO editing.
4.Post that picture with these instruction
5.Tag people to do it.
1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!
2.DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair.. just take a picture.
3.Post that picture with NO editing.
4.Post that picture with these instruction
5.Tag people to do it.
naseb baik bc tagged ni time dkt library..hehe..
tag :
1. cik haynee yg cantek..haha
Thursday, February 12, 2009
le tour de langkawi...
Monday, February 9, 2009
tagged by cik hajar
1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup anda
my jacket utk ke kelas!..hehe
2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?
nasi goreng ayam ptg tadi :)
3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
hotel 5 stars! hoho
4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan anda kekal?
5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?
6. Di manakah restoran terakhir anda makan malam?
restoran D' bendang
7. Namakan buku terakhir yg anda beli.
research methodology & presentation skill
8. Apakah nama penuh anda?
siti munirah bt hj sarif
9. Anda lebih senang dengan mak atau bapak?
10. Namakan seseorang yang anda ingin jumpa untuk kali pertamanya dalam hidup anda.
my bliss
11. Sebutkan 8 sahabat yang paling rapat dengan anda
1. cik hajar
2. cik hajar
3. cik hajar
4. suraya salehuddin
5. nadira ahmad sani
6. kartina nordin
7. naila fauziah hamzah
8. siti hajar husna
12. Adakah anda mencuci pakaian sendiri?
13. Tempat paling seronok yang anda mahu pergi
ke bintang! hehe
14. Pelukan atau ciuman?
15. Butirkan 5 tentang orang yang tag anda
cik hajar :
1. my best buddy!
2. the most 'kerempeng' gurl! haha
3. org yg wajib saye jmp if blk kedah
4. die sgt taksub dgn shopping on9..kan dear?
5. saye sayang die!
16. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai buat masa ini
1. tunggu duit ptptn masuk!
2. shopping!
3. nk blk umah
4. saye gila menanti cuti..haha
5. lupakan ape yg patut dilupakan
6. prison break season 4!
7. on9 for sure!
8. update blog
17. 8 perkara yang sering diucapkan
1. sejuk gile! ( everytime dlm kelas)
2. ye ke?
3. ermm..ntah la
4. dear! (haha..suka buat cik hajar tekejut)
5. org nk blk umah....
6. boOoring gile!
7. doa makan
8. doa tidur ( consider tak? )
18. 8 buah buku yang terbaru anda baca
1. research methodology ( dlm kelas td)
2. dictionary..hehe
3. galaxie ( housemate punye)
4. remaja (housemate punye)
5. setakat ini saje buku yg saye bc...hehehe
19. 10 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali
1. escape by Muse
2. escape by Muse
3. escape by Muse ( cant resist to hear this song everyday..huhu)
4. dan sebenarnya by Yuna
5. tunjukkan aku by Boneca
6. cuba by Faizal Tahir
7. hush little baby by Zain Bhikha
8. situasi by Bunkface
20. 8 perkara yang saya pelajari tahun lalu
1. dont trust people easily
2. yakin dgn takdir Allah
3. appreciate people who appreciate you
4. sayangi diri anda..haha
5. doa byk2
6. i love my family!
7. that's it! hehe
my jacket utk ke kelas!..hehe
2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?
nasi goreng ayam ptg tadi :)
3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
hotel 5 stars! hoho
4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan anda kekal?
5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?
6. Di manakah restoran terakhir anda makan malam?
restoran D' bendang
7. Namakan buku terakhir yg anda beli.
research methodology & presentation skill
8. Apakah nama penuh anda?
siti munirah bt hj sarif
9. Anda lebih senang dengan mak atau bapak?
10. Namakan seseorang yang anda ingin jumpa untuk kali pertamanya dalam hidup anda.
my bliss
11. Sebutkan 8 sahabat yang paling rapat dengan anda
1. cik hajar
2. cik hajar
3. cik hajar
4. suraya salehuddin
5. nadira ahmad sani
6. kartina nordin
7. naila fauziah hamzah
8. siti hajar husna
12. Adakah anda mencuci pakaian sendiri?
13. Tempat paling seronok yang anda mahu pergi
ke bintang! hehe
14. Pelukan atau ciuman?
15. Butirkan 5 tentang orang yang tag anda
cik hajar :
1. my best buddy!
2. the most 'kerempeng' gurl! haha
3. org yg wajib saye jmp if blk kedah
4. die sgt taksub dgn shopping on9..kan dear?
5. saye sayang die!
16. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai buat masa ini
1. tunggu duit ptptn masuk!
2. shopping!
3. nk blk umah
4. saye gila menanti cuti..haha
5. lupakan ape yg patut dilupakan
6. prison break season 4!
7. on9 for sure!
8. update blog
17. 8 perkara yang sering diucapkan
1. sejuk gile! ( everytime dlm kelas)
2. ye ke?
3. ermm..ntah la
4. dear! (haha..suka buat cik hajar tekejut)
5. org nk blk umah....
6. boOoring gile!
7. doa makan
8. doa tidur ( consider tak? )
18. 8 buah buku yang terbaru anda baca
1. research methodology ( dlm kelas td)
2. dictionary..hehe
3. galaxie ( housemate punye)
4. remaja (housemate punye)
5. setakat ini saje buku yg saye bc...hehehe
19. 10 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali
1. escape by Muse
2. escape by Muse
3. escape by Muse ( cant resist to hear this song everyday..huhu)
4. dan sebenarnya by Yuna
5. tunjukkan aku by Boneca
6. cuba by Faizal Tahir
7. hush little baby by Zain Bhikha
8. situasi by Bunkface
20. 8 perkara yang saya pelajari tahun lalu
1. dont trust people easily
2. yakin dgn takdir Allah
3. appreciate people who appreciate you
4. sayangi diri anda..haha
5. doa byk2
6. i love my family!
7. that's it! hehe
Thursday, February 5, 2009
daily routine...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
lullaby song
this song can help me to fall asleep..hehehe..mcm lagu utk dodoikan bdk kecil..haha..cute je..
Hush little baby, pure and small
He created you, He created us all
Hush little baby, don't you fear
We're never alone when Allah's so near
Hush little, breathing so calm
He'll protect us all and keep us from harm
Hush little baby, still and serene
You are a Muslim, Islam's your din
by : Zain Bhikha
Hush little baby, pure and small
He created you, He created us all
Hush little baby, don't you fear
We're never alone when Allah's so near
Hush little, breathing so calm
He'll protect us all and keep us from harm
Hush little baby, still and serene
You are a Muslim, Islam's your din
by : Zain Bhikha
Daddy's cool!
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